Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kino Der Toten map overview Part 9: The Alley

The Alley......not the greatest place to be but it's marginally better to hang out here than it is in the dressing room, (given you have an unopened door to back up against and open if things get bad.)

Once you enter the Alley you will see the Double-Tap Root Beer Perk machine. Let me just tell you that this perk is NOT worth the 2000pts it costs to get it. Basically all it does is make you shoot faster, i.e. you run out of ammo, A LOT. Like I said, I don't personally use this perk but many may if they use guns such as shotguns, sniper rifles, etc. To the left of the Double-Tap machine is a barricade. Head down the Alley and you will pass a mystery box spawn point on the left, as well as an AK74u. This SMG is a personal favorite of mine because it will serve you through most of the teens unupgraded. At 1200pts you get good damage and a larger magazine than most other SMG's. Head through the fence and you will see another barricade and a fence/door that costs 1250pts. Go on through and there are two more barricades over here. head up the stairs and into the Back Room.

(Protip: Do not linger here unless you are backed up against an unopened door that you can open to quickly escape. Also be warned that zombies will jump down off of the roof so pay attention.)

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