Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kino Der Toten map overview Part 7: The Teleporter and More

Okay, so this isn't so much a room as it is a tool but still. To activate the Teleporter you must have the power on (obviously or you wouldn't be able to see it anyway.) Step inside the Teleporter and you will see a message that reads along the lines of "Hold X/Square/F (I believe that's the key for PC) to initiate link." Do so and you will hear a beep. Proceed to the lobby via your newly opened doors, very conveniently located I may add, and step onto the pad out here on the floor. You will see a similar message as before, do what it says and you will hear another beep, make your way back to the Teleporter. Once inside it hold down your respective button to teleport. There will be a short animation of lightning and whatnot and then, boom, hello Pack-a-Punch room. Up here you can buy grenades off of the wall to the left, shoot zombies down on the floor below, as well as upgrade you gun in the Pack-a-Punch machine for 5000pts. In a nutshell it makes them stronger, but I will get into a more in depth analysis of them shortly. You are up here for about ten to fifteen seconds and then you teleport out. Usually you hit a random room first, there are four of them:
  • The Little Girls Room
  • The Dentist Room
  • The Conference Room
  • The Little Girls Room (Bloody Version)
Yes, that says The Little Girls Room (Bloody Version) but I really cannot describe it so you will have to experience that yourself. In these rooms there will sometimes be a random power-up. Get it as fast as possible because you are in these rooms for a VERY limited duration. When you spawn back out into the normal map you will be on the pad in the Lobby. Neat, huh? Next we will be exploring the confines of the alley and that route into the Theater.

(FYI: There is another Electro-shock trap in the hallway connecting the Theater and the Lobby, good stuff for running one of the more basic strategies on this map.)

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