Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kino Der Toten map overview Part 6: The Theater Floor

Okay you've come this far. Well, this is where things start getting hairy so watch your back at all times and if you are playing with a team make sure to communicate. I know you've been itching to throw that power switch like a mad scientist from some B horror movie, go ahead and see what lies in store as we descend into the theater floor.

As you turn on the power the theater curtain opens and the building begins to shake. The power causes some good things and some bad things. Lets start with the good.

The Good:
  • Access to Perks
  • Access to the Teleporter
  • Ability to use Electro-shock traps and Fire Pit
  • Turrets are now online 
  • Pack-a-Punch 
The Bad:
  • Zombies can now crawl in from the ceilings in many different parts of the map
  • Nova gas zombies which emit a cloud of toxic gas when killed (these are crawlers and a pain, so watch out)
Well that's really about it when it comes to the power. (Don't worry all the cool stuff I mentioned will be fully covered so you won't be missing out on anything.) First thing to be noted as you turn on the power and proceed into the theater floor is the big machine directly to your right on the stage. This is the Teleporter, you really can't miss it. Oh yeah, you remember that pad back in the Lobby? Well it has to do with this so sit tight. Some other things of note in this room, on center stage there are some stairs leading up to a turret, it still costs 1500pts and plays a big role in one of my strategies I'll be sharing with you guys. Down off the stage there are barricades directly to your left and to your right. There is a narrow hallway leading to the Lobby as well as the Jugger-nog machine, costing 2500pts, to the right of this doorway. Jugger-nog is a MUST HAVE perk as soon as you can get it. It gives you greater resistance to zombies attacks, so where originally two hits would down you it now takes seven or eight. So this is a definite first perk to buy. On the wall to the left of the Jugger-nog machine is the Bowie Knife. It costs 3000pts and it replaces the original tactical knife you spawn in with. Basically it's just a stronger knife, where your original knife served you well up until round four maybe, this bad boy will keep you knifing all the way to eighteen or twenty before it becomes as useless as the original. (Okay, not so much useless but still, you know what I mean.) In the narrow walkway from the stage to the Perk is a mystery box spawn point. This is in a kind of bad position as well seeing as its so narrow and the zombies can spawn off the walls and jump over the edges where the seats would be i guess. Still it's better than the Dressing Room. Okay, let me guess. Your ready to hear about this Teleporter, huh? Haha, gotcha. Look out for the next post where I'll be covering the Teleporter and the Pack-a-Punch room.

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