Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Zombies Mode: Power-Ups

Power Ups drop off zombies when you kill them. They drop randomly so you have no idea when you will get one or what it will be. They provide you with a decent advantage for a limited time period.

Floating Bomb, glowing. If you pick it up, it blows up all of the zombies spawned in the map. Use it to end rounds quickly and potentially save your adventure from a cold death. You get 400pts when used.

It repairs all the the broken barricades at the same time. Its a big golden hammer floating in the air. not many uses because at the higher rounds your barricades really aren't going to deter the zombies that much.If your going for points or whatever pick this up for an effortless 200pts.

Insta Kill
Golden Skull floating in the air.It acts as the name suggests, one-hit kills. So, go knife happy on round thirty while you can because at any other time this is suicide boys. Have fun, also knife kills = big points.

Double Points
Floating X2 symbol, grab it to earn double points.Pretty self explanatory all point giving actions in game are doubled. No this does not mean if you hit the box and get the bear during Double Points you will get 1900pts. you will get your same old 950.

Max Ammo
Looks like a floating Shell Box. Like off an M60. Refills reserve ammo fully, reload before pickup if possible to maximize benefits.

Death Machine
Mini gun. That's about it, not too special once you hit higher rounds though.

Fire Sale
Box appears at ALL spawn locations and only costs 10pts. You heard me right, 10pts. Better hurry though it doesn't last long. I've found that I can get two box hits if I don't take the weapons and four if I take it as soon as it is available.

That's it for the power-ups, next is a little better analysis of the perks in Kino.

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