Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kino Der Toten map overview Part 3: The Foyer

The Foyer is one of my favorite rooms to hold down for quite a few rounds, it features plenty of room to run around, fantastic guns for off the wall buys, as well as a perk and turret for when you get the power on.

As you open the door you will head down some stairs and enter the Foyer, this doorway is a must watch spot if you plan on staying for any period of time. To the left you will see a Stakeout on the wall, this Shotgun costs 1500pts but is a good gun for laying down the zombies until at least round thirteen or fourteen. To the right of the stakeout is a zombie spawn point. Heading down the stairs into the main portion of the room you will see an MPL on the wall right next to another spawn point for the zombies, also at 1500pts this SMG is great for point whoring, its such a great tool for that, people have started calling it the "point vacuum". To the left of this gun and barricade is the next Mystery Box spawn point. In the center of the room there is a group of tables with a turret on top of them that costs 1500pts but contributes a lot to killing the hordes of zombies coming, especially when things get tight. (Protip: The turrets WILL cause damage to you if you get in the path of their bullets, not sure why seeing as its kind of a dumb concept but its whatever I guess.) On the back wall directly below where you entered this room is your second Perk Machine, this is Speed Cola, costing 3000pts but worth every point you spend on it. It provides you with faster reloads much like slight of hand in multiplayer and is a must have for later rounds when your constantly in clutch time. To the left of the Speed Cola machine is the last zombie barricade in this room. Across from this barricade and the perk machine is the door out, it costs 1250pts, and takes you to the next room in your continuing zombie adventure.

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