Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kino Der Toten map overview Part 4: The Dressing Room

First may I say what the hell Treyarc? This is by far the worst spot in this map (there are some close runners up though). All I can say is do NOT stay in here for extended periods of time. You've been warned...

As you enter this room you will immediately understand why I  despise this area so much. It is small and somewhat confusing if you get turned around. Directly in front of you as you enter is the next mystery box spawn point. It is in a bad position and it is a very bad idea to hit unless you know you are 100% safe from being attacked. Directly across from the box is a barricade (yet again bad positioning, see?) Directly above the box is yet another spawn. (Really Treyarc? C'mon man.) Although they drop in on the other side of the wall it is still a bad place for zombies to be falling on top of you at. To the left as you come in is yet another barricade....do you understand yet? There is an MP5K in this room on the wall for 1000pts. It is an SMG with decent damage and accuracy but it is in such a terrible position that it is almost impossible to get to mid-round if your in desperate need of ammo. This gun just isn't really worth it. There are NO plus sides to this room except for maybe the Electro-shock barrier that protects the doorway out, yet again there are two switches that are on each side of the trap and they both cost 1000pts to activate. The next door is 1250pts again and will take you into the main portion of the map so stay tuned.
(Protip: This room sucks. Plain and simple. It is too small a place with too many zombie spawns. This is not a place to camp at all. This is a room to get into and get out of. The only reason you should be in here is if the box is here and you have ONE zombie left, he is a crawler, AND there is someone watching him AND your back at ALL times.)

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