Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kino Der Toten map overview Part 5: The Stage

As you exit that terrible room you will enter a fairly spacious room with good room to maneuver, a few barricades, some good off the wall purchases, another door, and the long awaited POWER SWITCH.

WAIT! Don't throw that switch just yet, we have some very unique opportunities in this room that can only be accomplished while the power is off. First off as you enter you will see a barricade directly to your right. A little farther down this wall and you will have reached the next mystery box spawn. Even farther down this wall (yes this room is pretty big....) you will reach the Claymores on the wall for 1000pts. These are considered equipment so you can have them no matter what, you get two and the start of each round and they are very useful for watching your back at lower rounds. Past the Claymores is another barricade, directly across from this is the power switch and an M16 for 1200pts, a three round burst assault rifle with good damage and accuracy. to the right of the power and M16 is a door for 1250pts, but we will be coming through the other side of it once we turn on the power so stick around because there's more on the way.

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